Next Steps Workshops

Next Steps Workshops

Grow deeper in your spiritual life with our workshops!


Do you feel like you’ve hit a plateau in your Christian life, or do you long for greater growth in grace, and a closer walk with Christ?

If this is you, and you long to grow in your relationship with Jesus, please consider joining us as we grow together in our new Next Steps Workshops.

In these workshops, which will be held on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m., our focus will be on personal spiritual growth through proper practice of spiritual disciplines. In this workshop we will learn why and how we should practice spiritual disciplines in a way by which they don't become legalistic "duties," but rather draw us into a closer personal relationship with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Regardless of whether you were just saved last week or, if you have been a Christian for 60+ years, whether you are a teenager, a college student, a layman, or a church staff member, if you long for greater personal spiritual growth, please sign up to join my wife and I in our very first set of Next Steps Workshops.

Our first Workshop will begin on Sunday, March 26, at 9:00 a.m. and we will meet for eight consecutive Sunday mornings until May 14.

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